DBS CG - Booster: ZENKAI 06 Perfect Combination B23

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  • Regular price 25.00 SAR
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ZENKAI Series EX Set 06

Note: each unit is 1 pack

 Perfect Combination features three Secret Rares. One depicts Ultra Instinct Goku as seen in the Tournament of Power. Another depicts Super Saiyan Future Trunks donning the Saiyan armor, as seen during his time training for the Cell Games. The final depicts Super Shenron, the all-powerful, planet-sized Dragon conjured by the Super Dragon Balls all throughout Dragon Ball Super. It is the Ultra Instinct Goku SCR that gets the God Rare treatment, and this may be the most popular God Rare since the Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta card introduced this unusually rare card type. Ultra Instinct Goku has been a popular form on the cards in the past before the introduction of God Rares, so who knows how this one will go in value?

  • 274 types in total
  • ・Common (normal/holo ver.) x60
  • ・Uncommon (normal/holo ver.) x30
  • ・Rare (normal/holo ver.) x29
  • ・Super Rare x18
  • ・Special Rare x14
  • ・Secret Rare x3
  • ・God Rare x1