Digimon CG - Starter Deck Wolf of Friendship ST16

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  • Regular price 90.00 SAR
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"Starter Deck Wolf of Friendship ST16" is the 16th Starter Deck released worldwide.


  • 16 Unique cards:
  • 6 Non-Foil Commons
  • 5 Non-Foil Uncommons
  • 3 Foil Rares
  • 2 Textured Super Rare


  • 54 playable cards total:
  • 26 Commons
  • 16 Uncommons
  • 10 Rares
  • 2 Super Rares
  • 4 Index Cards
  • 2 Memory Gauges
  • 1 Double Sided Paper Playsheet


Approximately 1 in 72 English decks will have an alternative art of [ST16-12 MetalGarurumon ACE] as an additional card at the back of the deck.



In the early game, use [ST16-002 Elecmon]’s draw and discard effect, play [ST16-014 Matt Ishida], then use [ST16-011 WereGarurumon]’s unsuspend effect to attack multiple times and chip away at your opponent’s security cards! When your opponent’s Digimon attacks, Blast Digivolve a Lv.5 Digimon in your battle area into [ST16-012 MetalGarurumon ACE]. You can gain up to 3 memory when you digivolve this way, potentially ending your opponent’s turn on the spot. Even if you digivolve [ST16-012 MetalGarurumon ACE] during your turn, you can use its When Digivolving effect to effectively reduce the cost to zero and go on the offensive immediately. [ST16-008 Garurumon]’s security effect can play Matt Ishida and Gabumon cards from your hand and trash for free, but it’s up to you to choose which card best suits the current situation. In the end game, use [ST16-012 MetalGarurumon ACE]’s removal effect to clear the way and dominate the battle area!