This resin mask replica from First 4 Figures is based on Aku Aku, the deuteragonist of the Crash Bandicoot franchise. Aku Aku serves as the Bandicoot family’s guardian and mentor as they set out on a quest to foil Doctor Neo Cortex’s devious schemes. The levitating mask is possessed by the spirit of a witch doctor. He used to fend off evil when he was still amongst the living, hence his voluntary willingness to help Crash and his friends throughout their entire journey.
In the game, Aku Aku has the ability to grant players second-chance opportunities and temporary invulnerability depending on the number of Aku Aku masks looted. Players will see Aku Aku by their side with all his splendid colors with one power-up collected and awards one death immunity before losing a life; Aku Aku turns gold and awards two immunities before losing a life with two power-ups collected; and lastly, Aku Aku is worn by the character and grants temporary but complete damage invulnerability with three power-ups collected.
Product Features
- 16 inches (40cm)
- Made of resin
- From the Crash Bandicoot game series
- Highly detailed base inspired from the theme and style of the game